Welcome! aims to find out as members of the large Iranian community, how we think, how we feel, what we like, what's important for us, and, generally, to help us to get to know  by ourselves better.

The site has been conceived and financed by Jahanshah Javid with help from family members.

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Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
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Farsi or English?
First of all, I recommend that you choose your preferred language at the bottom of your profile page.  We have picked Farsi for you at the time of registration, but if you prefer to be active in the English section of the site, choose English as your language.
In the middle of your Public Page, click on “Add a new post,” and pick the section.  After filling out all the required fields and clicking on “Submit and Publish,” your contribution will be posted and its title will appear on top of the “Everything” section. Posts which receive the highest number of up/down votes (Like/Dislike) are promoted to the front page.
A survey that gets the most votes will be featured on the top of the front page, unless when due to critical developing news, a related survey is pinned to the top of the front page.
Comments and Privacy
You can control the comments section of your posts.  If you don't like a comment, you can delete it.  And if you deem it necessary, you can block certain users in order to prevent them from posting comments on your contributions.
If you like to follow a specific contributor and be informed when he or she posts something new, go to his or her Public Profile and click on “Follow me.”  When the button changes to “Following,” you can immediately see the titles of his or her latest contributions at the bottom of your page.
In this section, whatever Iranians are thinking about may be put up for voting.  We try to post at least 10 to 20 photographs in this section each day.
General Rules
Comments and contributions that promote hate, contain threats to individuals and groups, racist remarks, direct and indirect attacks including swear words and insults against site users, and attempt to derail discussions and/or push other users into emotional reactions, and publishing personal information about other users is not allowed on  Use of this website for illegal and unethical and for commercial purposes is prohibited.  Each user is responsible for all his or her own activities on the site and all the content he or she produces.  Conduct of site users in whatever capacity must not jeopardize the integrity, operations, and reliability of the site.